
Тест «Множественное число существительных»

Выберите правильный вариант:

1. I have two (...) and a (...) in my bag.
2. In the play, four (...) see some (...) on the stage.
3. Two (...) are swimming with some (...) in the sea.
4. A: I have some (...) for you. B: Oh, great. Where are they? A: They are in the (...) on the kitchen table.
5. We need (...) advice before we build (...) studio.
6. The (...) on the (...) in the streets are all red because it is autumn.
7. Some (...) in our apartment block have young (...).
8. A: I have (...) news for you. B: Oh, what is that? A: I have three (...) in my study room. B: Oh, let's go there. I want to see them.
9. I wash my (...) with (...) cold water because it is healthy.
10. (...) and deer are (...) and they eat plants.
11. For me, (...) music is food for the soul and I spend a lot of money on (...) every month.
12. (...) delicious.
13. Can I have (...) information about concerts please?
14. (...) good for you.
15. I don’t have (...) money.
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